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Category: Errand Services

    How antique do children have to be before they can live domestic alone inside the DMV?

    How antique do children have to be before they can live domestic alone inside the DMV?

    Although DC and Virginia do not have precise legal guidelines against leaving your toddler domestic alone, Marylanders may additionally face fines or imprisonment for doing so. This is the question on many minds after an

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    WOMAN OF PASSION: Any errand, any time, anywhere

    WOMAN OF PASSION: Any errand, any time, anywhere

    Winnie quit her task at a bank to begin a business that offers courier services to hired people running thru busy schedules. She speaks to Simon Mburu. Winnie Lijodi has been hired two years earlier

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    Interestingly, Winnie says that beginning the enterprise did no longer require a heavy capital investment. She started it with Sh1,000. “I began with Sh1,000, which I pulled out of my savings. I used the money

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