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Category: Transport Service

    Duff & Phelps Investment Management

    Duff & Phelps Investment Management

    Prescott Group Capital Management Llc decreased its stake in Air Transport Services Grp I (ATSG) using 29.Ninety-nine % based totally on its brand new 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Prescott Group Capital Management Llc

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    Heetch raises $38M to take on Uber in French-speakme countries

    Heetch raises $38M to take on Uber in French-speakme countries

    Ith Uber simply days away from going public, a small challenger has raised some finances of its personnel to take it and the rest of the sphere on in francophone markets. Heetch, an experience-sharing platform

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    Mass DPTI staff shift to SA Public Transport Authority

    Mass DPTI staff shift to SA Public Transport Authority

    All present-day Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure public shipping provider groups of workers could be transferred to what will be called the South Australian Public Transport Authority (SAPTA), starting July 1. The creation of

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    Guinea: train to transport bauxite in provider quickly

    Guinea: train to transport bauxite in provider quickly

    Guinea’s new railway line will start the transportation of bauxite through June 2021. The worldwide SMB-Winning consortium responsible for the $three billion undertaking made the declaration Friday. The challenge targets to take advantage of new

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    Valencia Transport Service – The Ultimate Guide for Newbies

    Valencia Transport Service – The Ultimate Guide for Newbies

    Valencia is an important city in Spain and has a lot of public transport options. It has the highest concentration of taxis in Europe. Taxi drivers must get a special license called 'Licenciado de Cabina'

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    MAPS shipping carrier coming to Oronogo

    MAPS shipping carrier coming to Oronogo

    Morongo, Mo - Residents in Oronogo, Missouri, will quickly have access to greater public transportation. Ron Hall, Oronogo Mayor: "When I turned into the first elected mayor, one of the first matters we commenced discussing

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    The DRIFE Platform Aims to Disrupt the Transport Sector

    The DRIFE Platform Aims to Disrupt the Transport Sector

    DRIVE, a technique for centralized trip-hailing. Drive. One introduces the DRIVE platform, a decentralized transport atmosphere powered via the blockchain. DRIFE’s objective is to disrupt the existing trip-hailing enterprise version and put off the corporate

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    Seeking More Information, Says United States Amid Reports Of Pakistan Attacking India With American Missiles

    Seeking More Information, Says United States Amid Reports Of Pakistan Attacking India With American Missiles

    The imperative government has shared with the United States evidence of the fighter jet added down via an IAF jet in an aerial dogfight over the LoC on Wednesday to bolster its case about the

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    Gujarat State Transport Employees on Strike; Wage Hike Demand Cripples Bus Service

    Gujarat State Transport Employees on Strike; Wage Hike Demand Cripples Bus Service

    The strike has been referred to as the demand for imposing the hike in the Seventh Pay Commission. The Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation has been making this call for the beyond three years. Ahmedabad:

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    Ericsson trials high-speed wireless connectivity for open-street independent delivery carrier with Transdev

    Ericsson trials high-speed wireless connectivity for open-street independent delivery carrier with Transdev

    The sturdy, agile and at ease performance characteristics of LTE and 5G networks continue to power the development of sensible, independent transport answers – enabled thru important cell broadband offerings and coffee-latency vehicle-to-vehicle verbal exchange.

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