Just paintings more difficult KOT tells CS Amina after Sports appointment

Just paintings more difficult KOT tells CS Amina after Sports appointment 1

Ambassador Amina Mohammed has thanked President Uhuru Kenyatta for her appointment because of the Cabinet Secretary for Sports. Amina turned into moved to the ministry in the modern-day Cabinet reshuffle on Friday. She changed into the Education CS before she replaced Rashid Echesa, who was sacked. President Uhuru appointed Knec Chairman George Magoha to go the Education docket.

More in this: Cabinet reshuffle: Uhuru sacks Echesa, moves CS Amina to Sports docket

“It is with humility and high honor that I thank Uhuru for in accordance me the possibility to serve as CS in Foreign Affairs, Education and now as CS Sports,” she stated. Via Twitter on Saturday, Amina congratulated Magoha on his nomination, adding that he changed into grateful for all quarter players and development companions for their aid throughout her headship at the ministry. “Together, we made huge strides in deepening the world’s reform schedule. We introduced credible 2018 countrywide examinations, a hit CBC roll-out. Amongst others,” she stated. Her submit attracted mixed reactions from Kenyans, who endorsed her and advised her not to make matters hard within the Sports docket.

Uhuru declared. @MohaJilal stated, “You’re usually a difficult employee and a performer as even his Excellency Hon. I’m proud of you, my sister, and I understand you can take Kenya to the next global.” “Please communicate to the athletics team and get all the way down to the core problems.” “Best desires for your new docket. I might have loved to look you settle in nicely in the @EduMinKenya. However, I’m very confident that you will bring the identical zeal and energy to the sports & lifestyle ministry,” @mwololo_gregory stated.

Congratulations! @anderearden said, “You are a performer! Take up the new duty with identical zeal and dedication. Your celebrity will hold shining. God Bless you!”

“You are still one of the maximum devoted Cabinet Secretary. You work with zeal. May you help Kenyans in the Sports Zone. God bless,” @JoelMukoma stated.


@vinsvns stated, “The President trust in you, please do not permit Kenyans down The Sports ministry has a more venture if U examine the few assets allotted, the number of youths who’ve expertise that wants development, the infrastructure and such desire and desire you the very great does appropriate paintings.”


@KigunduKenneth said, “I beg to differ. You nearly ruined university training. For example, you didn’t discover an answer for the group of workers’ remuneration...You have constantly been walking far away from the problem.”

“Madam CS forestall mendacity about the TVET. You failed to offer capitation for each college student. As a result, forcing lots of us to drop out. Your check listing is Kiwa technical education college where terrible students aren’t capable of pay college charges drop out,” @Evans28244801 stated.

@musadagane1 said, “The simplest success at some point of your reign as Education CS is awarding grade Y to a bad scholar from NEP.”

“And one massive mistake you made at Education Madam CS was to trouble directives and coverage statements and later rescinded them. Kenyans are difficult-headed. Ukisema kids, you “die with it.” Read from the Matangi and Magoha books. Be firm; you’re the CS,” @gikundi1 stated.

The CS hit the headlines for the incorrect motives after she attempted to supervise the continued curriculum modifications within the education ministry. A day after pronouncing the postponement of the rollout of the new curriculum, the Education CS made an about-turn upon getting what resources stated turned into dressing down from the President.

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